Bonny Doon Limestone Quarry Boundary Expansion Project and Reclamation Plan Amendment Draft Environmental Impact Report
5. Hydrology and Water Quality
9. Energy and Natural Resources
Figure 3 .Limestone Quarry Facilities
Figure 4. Shale Quarry Facilities
Figure 5. Limestone Quarry Existing Contours
Figure 6. Currently Approved Limestone Quarry Final Development
Figure 7. Limestone Quarry Proposed Amendment to Mining Plan - 2007 Estimated Contours
Figure 8. Limestone Quarry Proposed Amendment to Mining Plan - 2012 Estimated Contours
Figure 9. Limestone Quarry Proposed Amendment to Mining Plan - Final Development
Figure 10. Limestone Quarry Proposed Amendment to Mining Plan - Final Drainage Plan
Figure 11. 1996 Approved Revegetation Program - Limestone Quarry
Figure 12. 1996 Approved Revegetation Program - Shale Quarry
Figure 13. Proposed Revegetation Program - Limestone Quarry
Figure 14. Proposed Revegetation Program - Shale Quarry
Figure 16. Geological Study Area Topographic Map
Figure 17. Regional Topography
Figure 18. Regional Geologic Map
Figure 20. Quarry Area Fracture Map
Figure 21. Regional Seismicity Map
Figure 22. Vicinity Topography
Figure 23. Approximate Quarry Area Drainages
Figure 25. Generalized Groundwater Surface Contour, Bonny Doon Area (ft msl)
Figure 26. Interpretation of Isotopic Survey and Specific Conduction Data
Figure 27. Summary of 2004 Tracer Test Results
Figure 28. Principal Groundwater Flow Paths
Figure 29. Average Timing of Liddel Spring and Runoff Responses to Storm Percipitation, 2004-2005
Figure 30. Conceptual Model of Seasonal Change in Groundwater Flow Pattern
Figure 31. Maximum Recorded Groundwater Surface Elevations
Figure 32. Biological Study Area
Figure 33. Limestone Quarry Existing Vegetation
Figure 34. Shale Quarry Existing Vegetation (2003)
Figure 35. Vegetation Communities and SFDW Houses
Figure 36. Woodrat Mitigation Sites at Limestone Quarry
Figure 37. Woodrat Mitigation Parcel at San Vincente Quarry
Figure 38. Sensitive Receptors